Jason Tlush sets out to create portraits that convey a relationship between subject and environment. The balance of power between the subject and setting varies greatly from image to image: sometimes the focus is on a strong and postured individual, very comfortable in his or her surroundings, while at other times the scene dominates, and the subject simply inhabits it.
The images presented here are portraits of Tlush's friends and family. Following several years of working inside a studio, Tlush sought to balance the portraits he was taking there with the more ethereal images he was creating outside it. Those closest to him became the most frequently photographed subjects during this period of experimentation.
A native of Philadelphia, Tlush studied photography
in New York, but curiosity eventually led him on a sojourn
to the West Coast. He now lives and works in Portland,
Oregon. More of his photos can be found at his web site:
(November 2002)